Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This contents page from Kerrang! shows what is featured in the magazine. It uses yellow, black and greyscale as they're striking colourd when put together to make the contents page more appealing. The images used are of bands and artists who are in the magazine. The font is highlighted to make it stand out as they're headlines of features in the magazine. The layout of the contents down one side is good because it means the reader can quickly look at the list from top to bottom looking for artists and bands that take their interest. The images take up majority of the space because fans would immediately notice a member of the band they're into.

This contents page from NME is similar to the Kerrang! because they have placed the contents in the same place making the layout looks similar. They also have images of the bands artists, mainly one large on taking up about half the page - suggesting that there is big feature on them that issue. The colours are kept fairly simplistic of black white and red as it fits the genre of music that features and is easy to read and still maintains aestethicity. This page appeals to the audience because there is blood splatters on the font and scratchy, rough font for titles - also, the images of the artists are recognisbale for the readers.

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