Moral Panic - 7/7 Bombings

The articles on the 7/7 bombings in the BBC news article have focused on the bombers and who they are. They have not spoken in-depth about what actually happened, which could be because that is either on a different article, or that they assume everyone already knows about it. But the article focuses on what people have said about the bombers and who they were and what role they took in the London 7/7 bombings. They have used mugshots of all these people to represent as the bad guys.

The London 7/7 bombings were percieved as a moral panic because it was so sudden and all the bombs on the tube and buses were simultaneous and caused mayhem in London as people were killed and injured. London being a capital, it was busy everywhere so it was panic to try to restore order where the bombs had exploded. It was represented immediately in the media, first in the news as what had happened, as no investigation had gone under way whilst they were trying to get to the places. It was then written about in all magazine around the UK and possibly internationally, but tabloids in and around London were quick to assume that it was terrorism.

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