Audience Profile

 Audience Profile

My results show that 50% of the readers are male and 50% are female. This means that I must aim my music magazine at both men and women. All of my results show that my audience will be 17-24, so my magazine will be fitted to aim at that age group. The majority of people who filled out the questionnaire would pay between £1-£2.99 for a new music magazine. Depending on expenses like printing the magazine, the price will vary between £1-£2.99. Reading the music genre results, the most popular response is Pop and RnB so that is the sort of music I will bass the magazine on. Specifically, the kinds of artists that came up were Katy Perry, Chris Brown and Maroon 5. Looking at the answers, people want to know about upcoming gigs, new songs/albums – and what daily life is like for them. People would also like to see posters, competitions, give-aways and interviews. Most people only buy magazines either sometimes or rarely so my magazine will have to be especially enticing to make readers want to buy it regularly. The majority of people answered that they would be interested in taking part in competitions and entries for things –this could be a good way to promote the magazine to more readers. The favourite colours filled out were blue, purple, pink, turquoise and red. I will use these colours more than others to appeal to readers. I will create my magazine on Adobe Photoshop for a more advanced and detailed look.

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