Shot Plans/Risk Assessment

To ensure I keep the images in my magazine interesting, I will be using a range of shot types. These include:

  • Mid-shot
  • Long shot
  • Close-up
  • Low angle
  • Over the shoulder
  • Wide shot
These images when being taken may come across risks such as obstructing furniture or ornaments as they will be taken in someone's household. There is a risk of a staircase for the low angle shot as I will be taking the photograph on a staircase looking upwards. To overcome these risk possibilities I will make sure the area around me is clear and without risk of falling or tripping.

The mise-en-scene I will be using in the photos ar having my model wear fairly ordinary clothes - nothing too glamorous to fit her new representation that she is explaining in her article. She will be wearing an open button-up shirt and leggings, with her hair down and no make-up on. I will ensure that the lighting isn't too bright that the photos look too glossy or too bleached out again to empahsise the consistent represnention of her as an artist. But on the other hand, I will need to make sure that the photos are not too dark that it is jeopradising the photo quality and visibility of her.

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